JOG is a yacht club with a difference. What makes JOG different is known amongst the members as “the spirit of JOG”, it’s an outlook and an attitude that captures and combines serious seamanship with a chivalrous but competitive edge and lots of joie de vivre.
We’ve been focused since 1950 on making coastal and offshore racing accessible to small boat owners by keeping our entry fees modest. Whilst we take our racing seriously, we value sportsmanship and our community above all else. We encourage supporting each other by swapping sailing yarns and tips inside JOG enabling us to perform to our best standard which produces a competitive but friendly yacht racing environment.
Unlike many yacht clubs we don’t have a clubhouse of our own, instead, we organise drinks receptions after races at the host ports. This provides a forum for JOGgers to get together and have fun and reflect on the day’s race. This is often used as an opportunity to eat, perform speeches, provide awards and an opportunity to organise upcoming plans.
JOG is run by its’ members with a professional secretariat and Flag Officers supported by an elected committee.
JOG derives most of its income from membership subscriptions and race entry fees and sponsorship.
Interested in sponsoring a race or post-race event? We are always open to suggestions, you can get in touch with our Secretary.
+44 (0)7576 882150
Junior Offshore Group
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