Privacy Notice

Junior Offshore Group (JOG) Version 3.0 Dated 04/02/2019

Junior Offshore Group (JOG) Version 3.0 Dated 04/02/2019

JOG will be the “controller” of the personal information that you provide to us through this website.

The privacy notice applies to information JOG collects about you:

  • Members of JOG
  • People entering races via our online system
  • Race Skippers/owners entries and results
  • Crew invited and linked by skippers/owners
  • Emergency contacts

We process personal information including:

  • personal details – such as name, title, address, email addresses, telephone numbers, date of birth, gender, account passwords
  • participation details – for example, race crew;
  • payment details – credit/debit card details (which we do not retain) and other payment details such as bank account number, sort code, card details so we can receive payments from you and details of the financial transactions with you;
  • marketing communication preferences – so that we know whether and how we should contact you.
  • records of your interactions with us such as telephone conversations, emails and other correspondence and your instructions to us;
  • records of your attendance at any races/events or competitions hosted by;
  • Emergency Contacts

Why we need your personal information - contractual purposes

We need to process our members’ personal information so that we can manage your membership. We will use our members’ personal information to:

  • provide you with core member services, including, AGM attendance and voting;
  • set up your online membership account and administer your account online;
  • send you membership communications by email in relation to essential membership services, including but not limited to, general meeting notices, membership renewals, membership fees’ information and information on membership benefits;

If you do not provide us with all of the personal information that we need to collect, then this may affect our ability to offer the above membership services and benefits.

Why we need your personal information - legitimate interests

We also process our members’ personal information in pursuit of our legitimate interests to:

  • monitor and develop participation in the sport of yacht racing by monitoring members’ engagement and participation through events and membership and inviting our members to participate in surveys for researching and development purposes;
  • deliver film and photography. Our competitions and events may be filmed and your personal information may also be used in images captured from our competitions and events, which we use for promotional, education and development purposes;
  • invite our members as award winners or guests to our awards ceremony which includes asking our members to nominate individuals for awards and shortlisting such individuals to select the winners, who we will then contact by email;
  • respond to and communicate with members regarding your questions, comments, support needs or complaints, concerns or allegations in relation to races.  We will use your personal information to investigate your complaint, to suspend membership, take disciplinary action in line with our club rules;
  • contacting you during the event by email or SMS text to inform you of messages, protests and other key information, allowing you to declare by SMS text message and providing printed and electronic lists that include your boat details (including sail number, name, hull colour, design and length) to our race management team.

Where we process your personal information in pursuit of our legitimate interests, you have the right to object to us using your personal information for the above purposes. If you wish to object to any of the above processing, please contact us on  If we agree and comply with your objection, this may affect our ability to undertake the tasks above for the benefit of you as a member.

Why we need your personal information - legal obligations

We are under a legal obligation to process certain personal information relating to our members for the purposes of complying with our obligations under:

  • the Companies Act 2006, to maintain a register of our members, which includes our members’ name, address, the date they were admitted to membership and the date on which they ceased to be our member, and hold general meetings, including issuing notices and voting arrangements;
  • Your Emergency contact for the purposes of coordinating any emergency Responses with the relevant authorities.

Why we need your personal information - consent

We use consent as the legal basis to:

  • Send out marketing communications to promote and encourage participation in the sport of Yacht Racing which includes monthly newsletters, event promotions and offers from official sponsors and partners;

Who we share your personal information with

We may be required to share personal information with statutory or regulatory authorities and organisations to comply with statutory obligations. Such organisations include the Health & Safety Executive, UK Police, coastguard and law enforcement agencies.

We may also share personal information with our professional and legal advisors for the purposes of taking advice.

We may share your personal information with marinas in order to facilitate berthing arrangements for races.

Your data may be shared with data processors to help with communication delivery. For example, we use a third party provider, MailChimp, to deliver some of our email communications which might include e-newsletters and direct marketing emails. Your data may be shared when we may use data processors to conduct online surveys (for example SurveyMonkey) so that we can report on trends and gain feedback; or with companies who provide cloud-based file storage and sharing like Dropbox, Microsoft and the Portal Company.

We will pass some personal data on to our payment providers in order to take payment for your membership. This generally includes payment details along with name, address and contact details which are sometimes used in fraud prevention.

If you are Race Crew and you have accepted an invitation to race with a skipper, your name and email address will be shared with any other linked family members or Co-owners for the sole purpose of allowing them to manage a race entry and notifying which crew are sailing on their boat. They do not have any access to any other information on your account with us like emergency contact details and your other account and contact details.

If we do share personal information with external third parties, we will only share such personal information strictly required for the specific purposes and take reasonable steps to ensure that recipients shall only process the disclosed personal information in accordance with those purposes.

How long we keep your personal information

We will only keep your personal information for as long as necessary to provide you with membership services. Unless you ask us not to, we will review and possibly delete your personal information where you have not renewed your membership with us for six years.

We will keep certain personal information of members for longer in order to confirm your identity, when you were a member of JOG and for how long. We need to do this to comply with the Companies Act 2006, which requires us to keep a register of members or in the event of a claim against JOG. 

Transferral of personal data outside the European Union

Your personal data may be transferred outside of the EU when using third-party services such as Dropbox, MailChimp or SurveyMonkey. Whenever your data is transferred outside the EU we will make sure the organisation receiving the personal data has provided adequate safeguards. For example, Dropbox and MailChimp participate in and has certified their compliance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S Privacy Shield Framework.

Race Results and Entries

In publishing race results and entries on our website, we process certain personal information which might include:

  • personal details – names and performance details (times and positions)

Why we need your personal information – legitimate interests

We might also use your personal information in pursuit of our interests which include:

  • aggregate reporting on participation trends and the numbers and demographics of people competing in yacht racing
  • archiving results to provide people with a history of events competed in and to allow for historical research

Where we process your personal information in pursuit of our legitimate interests, you have the right to object to us using your personal information for the above purposes. If you wish to object to any of the above processing, please contact us on we agree and comply with your objection, this may affect our ability to undertake the tasks above.

Who we share your personal information with

Some of your personal information is shared publically: your name and the record of your race results and entry are always shown.

Some of your personal information is also shared publically on our results and entry pages. It includes position and times.

How long we keep your personal information

Result data is intended to be kept indefinitely as a historical record or until JOG no longer needs it.

Transferral of personal data outside the European Union

We do not currently transfer event results data outside of the European Union.

Visitors to our websites


We use a third-party service, Google Analytics, to collect information to help us better understand how people use our website: for example which areas are being used more frequently than others and whether more people view the website on a mobile device rather than a desktop. This information is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone. We do not make and do not allow Google to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.

Our legal basis for processing this information is legitimate interests.

The retention period for user-level and event-level data stored by Google Analytics is set at 26 months and the retention period is not reset on each new activity from a visitor.

Security and performance

JOG processes the IP addresses and user agents of visitors in certain areas to help maintain the security and performance of the JOG website.

Our legal basis for processing this information is legitimate interests.

These are retained for at least one year but often much longer to allow for long-term reporting.

Your rights

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation, you have rights as an individual which you can exercise in relation to the information we hold about you. You can read more about these rights at

Your rights include:

  • your right to request access to the personal information that we hold about you by making a subject access request;
  • if you believe that any of your personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, you have a right to request that we correct or complete your personal information;
  • your right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information for specific purposes; and
  • if you wish us to delete your personal information, you may request that we do so.

Access to personal information

JOG tries to be as open as it can be in terms of giving people access to their personal information. Individuals can find out if we hold any personal information by making a ‘subject access request’. If we do hold information about you we can:

  • give you a description of it;
  • tell you why we are holding it;
  • tell you who it could be disclosed to; and
  • let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.

To make a request to JOG for any personal information we may hold, please contact us on the contact details provided below or by emailing

If we do hold information about you, you can also ask us to correct any mistakes by contacting us or correcting it yourself within your

Complaints or queries

JOG tries to meet the highest standards when collecting and using personal information. For this reason, we take any complaints we receive about this very seriously. We encourage people to bring it to our attention if they think that our collection or use of information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate. We would also welcome any suggestions for improving our procedures. Please contact us using the contact details provided further down this page.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, which, in this instance, is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). If you want to make a complaint about the way we have processed your personal information, you should do so on the ICO website:

Links to other websites

This privacy notice does not cover the links within this site linking to other websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit.

Changes to this privacy notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review. This privacy notice was last updated on 4th February 2019.

How to contact us

If you want to request information about our privacy policy you can email us at 

Junior Offshore Group
4 Redshank Way
Isle Of Wight
PO30 2QG